Philanthropy Update: End-of-Year Giving Campaigns 2023

End-of-year giving is a critical component of most fundraising plans. Upwards of 30% of all philanthropic giving is done in the last two months of the calendar year1. In 2023, end-of-year campaigns are expected to play a more critical role than ever, because while charitable giving overall is strong in the US, the donor pool is shrinking2

Man talking to other person

The holiday season is a great opportunity to showcase the good you do in your community and attract new donors to your cause. However, what worked in the past might not resonate with younger, emerging donors. While Boomers and Gen X were typically motivated to give general support to the same causes as their friends and neighbors, Millennials and Gen Z are showing stronger preferences for specific projects that reflect their personal values.  

This quote from “Why America Gives” is a good demonstration of the trend toward socially minded giving: 

“They’re looking to not only make a monetary contribution and understand its results but to become an integral part of the change those gifts create. Many see their donation behavior as a part of their character and moral identity, which only strengthens their relationships with organizations.” 

Emerging donors seek causes that reflect their philanthropic identity, and want transparent, trustworthy information about how their gifts can truly make a difference. There is a lot of competition for year-end gifts. Tying your year-end campaign to your value proposition is a great way to inspire new donors to join your cause.  

Next After lists the following aspects of a strong value proposition: 

  1. Appeal: Make people feel good about choosing you for their giving 
  1. Clarity: Easy to understand what the money is for and how it makes an impact 
  1. Exclusivity: Why you’re uniquely qualified to address whatever need it is that you’re addressing 
  1. Credibility: Demonstrating that you are good stewards of their investment 

It is increasingly important that your digital presence reflects your organization’s value proposition. While online giving may only represent a portion of the gifts you receive for your year-end campaign, even those who don’t give online are likely to visit your website to learn about what you do. 

For tips on how to supercharge your ePhilanthropy strategy, check out our recent webinar. 

As 2023 comes to a close, arts and culture organizations are continually finding ways to adapt to the changing needs, growing audiences, and new opportunities. The past few years presented many unexpected challenges. However, those who engaged and expanded their community of support were able to navigate difficult times. The Adage team looks forward to hearing more great ideas and strategies from the arts and cultural sector in 2024. 

[1] Blackbaud Institute 2021 Charitable Giving Report  [2] Fundraising Effectiveness Project 

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Elevate Your Marketing with Umbraco Engage

13 December 2024

Here’s a look at how Adage is using Umbraco Engage (previously uMarketingSuite) to roll out personalization strategies, streamline user journeys, and optimize content performance.  

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