
Adage Care

Digital services, production support, and cloud support. 

It’s inevitable, organizations add new features, upgrade, or find bugs that need fixing. This typically leaves organizations to deal with multiple partners, which slows things down and is very expensive. Not with Adage. Our full-service team has got you covered.

Adage Care gives you the flexibility of choosing just what your organization needs and the convenience of getting your cloud hosting, managed services, support, and maintenance all in one place. 

Our Approach

Getting to a site launch is usually a long journey regardless of the size of your website project. How is your new site going to be monitored, managed, updated, and enhanced? 

Digital Services

This is your ongoing development and maintenance. Today improving the online experience for your customers is never done. Your customers want more from you online and meeting them there is proven to increase the engagement with your organization.

We recommend that our clients select an annual budget amount to dedicate toward website maintenance and enhancements. By selecting a Digital Services commitment level, our clients have access to: 

  • Dedicated Team
  • Backlog Prioritization
  • Roadmap & Quarterly Business Review
  • Content Strategy
  • Analytics Services
  • User Experience Design

Production Support

An often-overlooked aspect of being online is support. Your website is no different than a critical business application for your organization. Who do you call when there is an issue? What is the expected response time? Is there a defined escalation procedure to meet your needs? The following are available via differing levels of production support.

  • 24x7 Support Desk
  • Service Level Agreements
  • Monitoring & Alerting
  • Budgeted Return to Service Hours
  • Escalation Procedures
  • End-to-End DevOps
  • Dedicated Development Environment
  • Content Copy Downs 

Cloud Support Services

Your site is live in the cloud, but who is watching the infrastructure? Making sure your hosting environment is properly managed is more important than ever. You need to be sure someone who knows the cloud is managing it correctly for you. 

  • Data Backup Management
  • Infrastructure and Website Monitoring
  • Performance Scaling
  • Maintenance & Infrastructure Security
  • Quarterly Website Vulnerability Scans
  • Notification Services
  • Optional Services
    • Azure Defender for Cloud Security
    • Cloudflare CDN/WAF
    • .NET APM Monitoring

Looking For Help?

All current Adage clients should have an Adage Care agreement. To learn more about support with Adage and to get in contact with our team, please see our Client Support page. 

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