SmartSeat Release Notes: 2.9.7-2.10.2

For releases prior to 2.9.7, please contact your Adage team. 



How this is helpful: Customers will have transparency throughout the buying process about all service fees to be added onto the published price(s) for all single events (per seat fees only). 

How to enable: Login to Venue Builder and navigate to Global Settings. Under the General Settings, check the box (enable) called “Display Seat Fee” and Save. 

How this is helpful: Customers will have transparency throughout the buying process about all service fees to be added onto the published price(s) for all package types (per seat/per package seat fees only). 

How to enable:Login to Venue Builder and navigate to Global Settings. Under the General Settings, check the box (enable) called “Display Seat Fee” and Save. 

How this is helpful:Shows consistent fee styling across modals, price type displays, seat map displays, mini-cart displays, and adds several new fields in General Settings for fee displays. 

How to enable: Styling is automatically enabled, and General Setting text values can be viewed in Venue Builder>General Settings. 

How this is helpful: Confirms that fees show and calculate when using best available instead of Select Your Own Seats. 

How to enable: automatically enabled as part of upgrade. 

How this is helpful:When Fee Display is enabled, this feature restricts best available to a single zone due to being completely transparent with patron about knowing what their checkout total will be throughout the transaction. 

How to enable: Login to Venue Builder and navigate to Global Settings. Under the General Settings, check the box (enable) called “Display Seat Fee” and Save. 

How this is helpful:Clients have the ability to adjust the Fee Display text in all displays, modals, mini-cart, etc. Clients have majority control over the language used when displaying fees. 

How to enable: Login to Venue Builder and navigate to Global Settings. Under the General Settings, scroll to the bottom and adjust the default text values in each setting box. 

How this is helpful: Customers will see a minimum and maximum value on the Filters page that is inclusive of any/all per-seat fees. 

How to enable: Login to Venue Builder and navigate to Global Settings. Under the General Settings, check the box (enable) called “Display Seat Fee” and Save. 

How this is helpful:Clients and Customers will be able to see an accurate total of each ticket to be inclusive of any per-seat fees throughout SmartSeat, anywhere a value is displayed. 

How to enable: Login to Venue Builder and navigate to Global Settings. Under the General Settings, check the box (enable) called “Display Seat Fee” and Save. 

How this is helpful: Technical ticket to confirm that data caching is happening appropriately associated to Fee Displays. 

How to enable: not applicable. 

How this is helpful:When a patron selects Best Available, they will see a spinner to validate transaction movement while awaiting the Best Available modal. 

How to enable: Login to Venue Builder and navigate to Global Settings. Under the General Settings, check the box (enable) called “Display Seat Fee” and Save. 

How this is helpful:this is a duplicate ticket of work covered in tickets previously mentioned in this release. 

How to enable: not applicable. 



How this is helpful: This allows organizations to view a monitor page to easily identify connectivity between SmartSeat and the Tessitura application. 

How to enable:Talk to your Adage Project Owner or Adage Account Manager and we will set up a mini discovery session to figure out what is needed to configure and enable this feature. 

How this is helpful: This allows SmartSeat to utilize the most up-to-date Google Analytics functionality and reporting capabilities. 

How to enable: First step: Create a Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Property. Second step: Once property is created, navigate to the Admin section and Select "Data Streams" setting. Third step: Within the Data Streams section, click on the Data Stream - this will display a Measurement ID. The Measurement ID is your GA4 ID. This value simply needs to be entered in the Google Analytics ID field in the Global Settings>General Settings area of Venue Builder. 

Google Support Page: 

How this is helpful: This allows SmartSeat clients the ability to have additional tracking across their SmartSeat pages. 

How to enable: In Venue Builder: Navigate to Global Settings and add your organization’s Google Tag Manager ID to the Google Tag Manager ID field. 

How this is helpful: This allows clients to add in purchasing instructions or other appropriate text to improve the patron buying experience. 

How to enable: 

  • Go to Venue Builder, go to the Culture settings and edit the appropriate configuration from the list 

  • Look for the property “Additional Requests Messageand make some update to it 

2.9.9 & 2.9.10 

Versions 2.9.9 and 2.9.10 do not include any added features. It contains accessibility and other updates to the existing platform. 



This number was skipped in our versioning sequence. 



How this is helpful: VB Clients will now be able to make primary font type adjustments to better match their marketing branding styles without having to make .css adjustments. 

How to enable: Login to Venue Builder and navigate to Global Settings. Under the General Settings navigate to the Branding Settings sub-section. Update color fields to use standard Hex values and update font fields to control font type and weight. 



Control SmartSeat Heading Font & Font Sizes in Venue Builder 

  • Heading font settings have been separated from body font settings – you can assign different fonts, weights, and relative sizing for each. If you leave the new fields blank, headings will continue to use the same settings as the body font. 

  • New font size settings are available! These settings apply a multiplier to all body or heading font sizes, respectively.  

    • Body fonts can be Default (small), Medium (1.125x), Large (1.25x), or Extra Large (1.33x) 

    • Heading fonts can be Default (small), Medium-Small (1.25x), Medium (1.375x), Medium-Large (1.5x), Large (1.75x), or Extra Large (2x) 

Other Venue Builder Changes 

  • Items in the sidebar navigation have been revised into an intuitive order and numbered to aid with setup 

  • Headers on the Condition editing form are improved and cleaned up 

  • Language around "associating" seatmap seats is consistent 

  • Language around selecting Tessitura facilities is consistent 

  • Bug Fixes  
    • "Assign Configuration" by "Package" listing no longer jumps the user down the page when clicking checkboxes 

 SmartSeat UI Changes 

  • Users can access View from Seat for selected seats, regardless of the level they are viewing in the seatmap 

  • Promo code "apply" now shows a loading indicator/spinner 

  • Using "Change Date" on a production with multiple unique performance names can now show their names along with the dates (enable this with a new Venue Builder setting in Global Settings → Filters Page Settings → Show Performance Title(s) in "Change Date" Modal) 

  • Bug Fixes  

    • Browser-specific override styles have been removed, since modern browsers have made them obsolete, and sometimes intrusive 

    • "Choose My Seats" button now properly prevents clicks when it's disabled 


2.10 & 2.10.2 

Versions 2.10.0 and 2.10.2 contain the first .NET Core and V16 iteration of SmartSeat.  

Upgraded for V16 & .NET Core 

The 2.10 branch represents the SmartSeat offering compatible with V16 and  .NET core. 

Built on ACE 

  • No longer referencing Adage.Tessitura, SmartSeat is now built on ACE Commerce's based assemblies. 

  • If you used a custom ObjectFactory for either SmartSeat or Venue Builder, you’ll need to recreate your overrides using DI and ACE objects. 

  • This means REST API will now be required. 

Support for .NET 6 

  • Base assemblies have been switched to netstandard 

  • New package to add support to .NET 6 

Support for v16 

  • Because ACE supports v16, so does SmartSeat! 

  • Use Adage.Ace2.Core 5.1.x for v15, and 6.x for v16 

Web.config Settings 

  • To remove dependency on ConfigurationManager and hard-type the configs, SmartSeat now uses a new configuration section in web.config/app.config. Some “appsettings” will need to be moved to “applicationSettings/Adage.SmartSeat.Config” 

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