Adage Arts and Culture Strategy Update

Please note, this update is based on current information and is subject to change. Technologies are always evolving, and so will Adage’s priorities and recommendations, based on industry best practices and partner updates.

What Adage is Working on Now

Arts & Culture Product Updates for Tessitura v16 Compatibility

Our Product team is working diligently to ensure that all of our ACE Platform, ACE Commerce, and SmartSeat Product code is ready for Tessitura v16 as soon as possible.

  • ACE Platform & ACE Commerce* code updates are on track to be completed in Q2 of 2023.
  • SmartSeat code updates are on track to be completed in Q1 of 2023.

*Note ACE Platform refers to the version of the Adage ACE Product installed 2019 or prior. ACE Commerce refers to the latest version of Adage ACE Product installed for clients 2020 or later. If you are not sure which version of ACE you are utilizing, your Client Consultant and Development team can clarify.

Understanding Client v16 Upgrade Timelines

Our Client Consultant and Project Management team is working to understand all of our client needs and timelines around upgrading to Tessitura v16. If you have not yet, please communicate your desired timeline to Adage, so your development team may begin forecasting and resourcing for any work required.

Tessitura Merchant Services

Tessitura started the rollout of its new payment services, Tessitura Merchant Services. Many new features are included in Tessitura Merchant Services, such as tokenized cards, saving credit cards for future use, and mobile payments such as ApplePay and GooglePay.

We are currently working to integrate Tessitura Merchant Services into ACE Commerce and plan to complete development by Q3 of 2023. Integration of Tessitura Merchant Services into ACE Platform is anticipated to be complete by Q4 of 2023. Specific client installation timelines and requirements may vary.

We highly recommend a move to Tessitura Merchant Services for PCI compliance. Please reach out to your Adage Client Consultant and Project Owner to discuss estimates and possible timelines for this update.

Google Analytics 4

With the sunset of Universal Analytics in 2023, Adage is helping to ensure all of our clients have made the move to GA4. Our Strategy team is prepared to assist with the transition, should you require help with the set up.

What’s Next

SmartSeat Community Page Updates

Our Product team, headed by our new Director of Product, is focusing on updating our SmartSeat Community Page. This should be available in Q2 of 2023 and provide an overview of what’s coming next for Product. If you are a SmartSeat user but do not have access to the Community Page, we can create a login for you.

Updated SmartSeat / Venue Builder Documentation

The Product team is working on revised and updated documentation to augment the technical support offered to our members. Our plan is to release updates on a rolling basis through 2023.

.NET Core Upgrades

As technology continues to evolve, your digital platforms will evolve as well. Our CMS partners Optimizely and Umbraco have continued to upgrade software with the latest Microsoft platform updates. The latest versions utilize the Microsoft .NET Core platform

. This is the largest upgrade to the Microsoft .NET platform in 10 years, and the changes include significant performance updates, security updates, and new features.

There is an upgrade path available, but the Microsoft code changes are significant enough that most of the website code will need to be updated, thus we would consider this to be a “replatform” effort where logic and content can be migrated to the new .NET Core version. The upgrade will typically range from 50-70% of the original website development cost.

Adage plans to continue supporting older versions as long as Optimizely and Umbraco provide security updates.

Interested in getting started? Contact us today!

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